Poodle saved from Puppy Mill basement sees sunlight for the first time and undergoes a touching change

Many dogs are kept solely for breeding purposes; Unfortunately, many of these dogs are kept in terrible conditions, forced to start breeding…

Many dogs are kept solely for breeding purposes; Unfortunately, many of these dogs are kept in terrible conditions, forced to start breeding from a young age and continuously, making them unloved and exhausted.

In one particularly heartbreaking case, more than 150 animals were found in small cages in a basement, hungry, exhausted and in the dark.

In the video below you can see the moment when these poor creatures are rescued.


As one of the rescuers cradles the poodle, you can see its eyes adjust to sunlight for the first time; It’s an emotional moment.

According to his rescuer, the purebred toy poodle, later named BB, appeared to have been bred repeatedly.

An anonymous tip led to a raid on a property near Charlotte, North Carolina, where more than 150 dogs were discovered.

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) was able to rescue the animals, which also included cats and goats.


BB was locked in a narrow cage, covered in waste and underweight.

“She was very small and looked like a helpless creature,” Jessica Lauginiger, animal crimes manager at HSUS, told The Dodo.

HSUS, with the help of law enforcement, was able to shut down the puppy mill and many of the animals were taken to the local veterinary clinic Cabarrus Animal Hospital.

BB wasn’t sure of her savior at first, a sign that she hadn’t had much human contact, but as soon as Jessica picked her up, he leaned toward her.

As Jessica held her outside, you can see this poor poodle’s eyes adjusting to the natural light. He had probably spent his entire life in a dark basement.


Brenda Tortoreo, who had worked at the animal hospital, came into contact with BB and it was love at first sight.

“BB was cornered,” Tortoreo told The Dodo. “It seemed pitiful. I was scared to death. She wasn’t eating or drinking and I felt really bad for her. And I said, ‘That’s the one I’m going to take home.'”

Brenda said when she brought her poodle home, she slept for over a week and her loving new mother worked to fatten her up since she was all skin and bones.

Now this sweet dog is getting the love and affection she deserves, not to mention more toys than she can handle.

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