Get to Know the Extraordinary Life of Picasso, America’s Iconic Wild Horse

When people think of America’s West, they usually think of the Mustang horse. Its freedom has turned into a representation of human freedom and that’s why they are considered legendary in American history. Wild free-roaming horses are living symbols of the memorable and historic spirit of the West. They are an added value to the diversity of life models in the United States and improve the lives of the American people. They’ve won the hearts of millions of horse lovers all over the world, and amongst all wild horses, there is an exceptional horse that symbolizes their real spirit.

His name is Picasso, and he is one of the most famous wild horses who still exists in America. Picasso is a horse of the Sand Wash Basin in northwest Colorado. He is recognized for his remarkable pinto color and he truly does looks like he was painted. He’s thought to be around 30 years old and his body reveals it. Picasso, to be sure, is an old horse, which might be as much to charge for his reputation as anything. He has wandered in the wild for almost three decades, and it shows — his coat is sutured with the flaws and swipes from other stallions; his face is thinning.



And yet, Picasso remained, wild and free. Picasso has encountered many battles and survived hard weather conditions. He’s a real symbol of courage, determination, and courage. Picasso has fought through severe winters and survived extremely hot summers in the huge desert of Colorado. Most people would assume that he wouldn’t make it, but he defied all the odds with his bravery and strength. Picasso was just like any other wild horse but as time advanced his reputation grow a lot.



Tourists and wild mustang enthusiasts started relishing him from afar and began taking gorgeous pictures of him. There are more than 700 wild horses similar to Picasso in the Basin’s 157,000 acres of national land, but only this one manages to provoke such an extraordinary presence both amongst his related horses as well as humans. Picasso is a celebrity like no other! Photographers follow his every movement in Facebook groups and other social media.



Tourists even travel from all over the world just to see Picasso in his real home. His excellence has been painted on art, caught on camera, recorded in songs, and written in poetry. His fans have even figured out his family tree and make weekly tours from the town of Craig and 2,000-mile trips from Canada. There’s no denying it- there is no other horse like him! Even though he is now a matured horse Picasso, he still carries his mythical status. Picasso is also remembered for his love affairs.



It may seem odd, but throughout the years he has had relations with various mares, but his beloved mare was Mingo, with who he stayed for a few years. Even though he is a little bit smaller than the other stallions, Picasso’s fighting soul made him win many battles and defeat everyone who challenged him. He is the epitome of strength, freedom, and portrays the wild horses better than any other horse.



But nowadays, Picasso is no longer the undisputable herd leader he once was. Picasso’s fans know the end is approaching. In the winter of 2018, Picasso was, by most descriptions, fragile and weak, just skin and bones. People would even believe that they would never see him again and that’s what happened. Months went by and no one had seen him around. In the early spring, fortunately, they found Picasso.

No matter what happens, we know for sure that Picasso has lived a long life, and whenever he would go away, he will be at peace. Over the years, there have been requests for Picasso to be adopted, to be protected from the difficult life in the wild. But I think we all understand that Picasso belongs in the wild. We shouldn’t attempt to change wild horses, but on the contrary, we should help them by leaving them wild.

blankWe are very happy this legendary horse is still alive and we hope he will continue to run free as long as he can. Even though this horse is very famous in the equestrian world there are still people who didn’t know anything about him. We believe that this horse deserves more recognition, that’s why we invite you to watch the video shown below and share it with your friends so they can also learn more about this amazing horse. He really merits all the appreciation!


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